Friday, May 11, 2007

Elbows and Arms

Yesterday started out like a normal Thursday, get up, go to work, find something to do productive. Then the phone rang and off to get x-rays we go. Megan, our 12 year old, had taken a spill at school that her elbow had not appreciated. So I called the doctor for an x-ray appointment and I called Dave who went and got Megan and met me at the doctors and then we filled out forms and waited. There was no swelling or bleeding so we were pretty sure we just had a bad bruise or hyper extension but better safe than sorry given last fall when Molly sent us through the adventure of 2 broken arms.

X-rays appeared fine (although the radiologist still needs to look at them). Megan is still babying the arm so we will see how today goes and then decide what to do about soccer this weekend.

Then, since it was a beautiful day and nothing pressing was happening at work I got a free afternoon once I dropped Megan back at school. Came home, grabbed some lunch, transplanted some rasberries that were coming up in the cardinal bush hedge and then went through the yarn stash looking for possible colors for the hoodies Maple has commissioned.

Pictured above is my first color choice (in pink) and what I am making (in green). I wasn't sure how much yarn it was going to take and the pink was not enough. I have 2 arms, a front and back but no hood. Guess that one will be finished and posted in the etsy store and we go back to the stash for a larger quantity.


Alpaca Granny said...

Poor Megan, poor Pam. It's so scarey when our kids are hurt - both physically & mentally. Yesterday was gorgeous!

Alpaca Granny said...

Send me your blog address. I've tried everything & can't get it....