Sunday, November 4, 2007

Battle of the Forsythia

I am still working away at the shawl pattern. Made fairly good progress today since I lacked ambition to do much else. Used it all up yesterday on the forsythia bushes. Or, more accurately, in ripping out the forsythia bushes. Several years ago I planted 3 twigs. I have spent countless hours trimming and trying to control the resulting jungle. Yesterday I hauled out 4 wheel barrows full. I am now down to the original 3 twigs which are currently 4 inch stumps that will require the use of the axe. Once that is done I will need to diligently watch this area over the next couple of growing seasons to make sure I get any remaining roots before they can take hold. If all goes well, I will reward myself with some Rose of Sharon bushes next spring. Pretty flowers and low maintenance.

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