What is random Monday? A fun way to learn something (maybe) and a reason to look forward to Monday (yea right).
What am I going to do on random Monday? Generate a random number (using random.org) between 1 and 1459. This happens to be the number of pages in my Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary. Once I flip to that page, I will count the number of entries on the page and generate a second random number to determine which word will be the focus for that Monday. Note: there is no guarantee on my counting ability and the decision of the judge (that would be me) as to which word is in randomly selected position is final. After that you will get any profound statements I may have to add about the random selection which was selected. Wouldn't my English teachers be proud of that last sentence?
This week we have
Page 801 with selections from monastic to monkey
I find it interesting that my first random Monday page selection included a definition of Monday, which happens to be defined as the second day of the week.
And item 29 … Money order
An order issued by a post office, bank, or telegraph office for payment of a specified sum of money usu, at any branch of the organization.
Did I find a typo in my first random Monday pick? Me thinks ‘money usu,’ should be ‘money used’. Wonder who we contact to get that corrected?
See you next week.